Bilderlings payment cards to be issued soon

In January, Bilderlings customers will be able to use the Bilderlings Pay MasterСard. You can pre-order the payment card today. Payment cards are the most convenient way to get paid and to cash out money at ATMs and bank branches around the world. Bilderlings will issue two types of cards: MasterCard Business cards for corporate […]

Hundreds of payments in two clicks

A bulk payment service will be available at Bilderlings by the end of September. This will allow customers to make bulk payments in just a few minutes. What is it? Bulk payments give an opportunity to make a lot of payments to different recipients in a couple of clicks, without wasting time on manually entering […]

Bilderlings in 2019: all you need to know about our developments

The third month of 2019 is coming to an end, and we are eagerly sharing with you what Bilderlings has already accomplished for its customers – and what has been planned for the very near future. We strive to offer our clients a variety of quality services; these services are improving all the time with […]

Cooperation with Bilderlings to become even more convenient

Fintech platform Bilderlings has begun cooperating with OFFSHORE IT, which now offers our current account to its customers. When entrepreneurs decide to go international with their business, many questions immediately arise – where to register their company, how to run a business in a given country, based on how suitable the business climate is for […]

Opening an account: why your choice should be Bilderlings

Right now there are many payment companies on the European market offering customers a much more flexible and functional system compared to that of traditional banks. The world of fintech is developing ever more rapidly; the number of clients drawn to these companies is increasing every day. And it’s natural that each company tries to […]

How to open an account in just three steps

Everyone knows how to open an account in a regular bank. At the present moment, however, and for a variety of reasons, more and more people are seeking to rely as little as possible on the familiar banking system, and turning, for example, to fintech companies, which, according to the forecasts of numerous analysts, are […]

Seven things to consider when choosing a partner to open an account

Competition among European banks, payment companies and Fintech services is becoming more and more intense. This is a world with no place for the weak – they just fade into the background and eventually disappear altogether in the process of global financial evolution. The accelerating progress of modern financial technologies pushes the best into the […]

Bilderlings participates in DevTernity as a sponsor

DevTernity – Latvia’s largest international IT-conference – will take place on November 30th – December 1st, in the National Library of Latvia. For the fourth year in a row, DevTernity will bring together IT professionals from Latvia and abroad. This year, at the conference 20 technically skilled and inspiring speakers will share their know-how from […]

Bilderlings at Riga COMM 2018: exploring the latest business technologies

On the 11th and 12th of October, the largest annual international forum on financial technologies and innovations in the Baltics will be held in the VT1 Exhibition Center in Riga. More than 100 lecturers and 150 participating companies will attend Riga COMM 2018. This year, Bilderlings, the leading European financial technology platform, will present a […]

Multi-currency account in Bilderlings
Individual IBAN, 19 currencies, SEPA / SEPA Instant / SWIFT payments, attractive exchange rates, remote account opening in just one business day.

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