A bulk payment service will be available at Bilderlings by the end of September. This will allow customers to make bulk payments in just a few minutes.

What is it?

Bulk payments give an opportunity to make a lot of payments to different recipients in a couple of clicks, without wasting time on manually entering the details for each payment.

How does it work?

You just upload a CSV-file with all the data to your personal cabinet!

Who needs it and what for?

First of all, the service of bulk payments makes the life of those companies that pay their employees salaries much easier. One accounting document, a couple of seconds, and everyone has received their fees. Besides, the company can prepare a lot of payment orders in its system for making payments to partners, upload them to a file, and then upload them to the current account.

Is it possible to automate everything to make it even easier?

It is! But you need API integration for this. This allows you to integrate any service you use for your business with your current account.

Multi-currency account in Bilderlings
Individual IBAN, 19 currencies, SEPA / SEPA Instant / SWIFT payments, attractive exchange rates, remote account opening in just one business day.

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