How Digital Transformation is Shaping Financial Technology: A Digest of Key Insights

Digitalization is transforming the financial sector, impacting how we manage our personal finances and how financial institutions operate. As a financial company, we are deeply interested in these changes and regularly study various reports and research findings. Here, we’ve reviewed the latest studies and share the main takeaways with you, along with some practical advice. […]

Safeguarding Your Funds: How UK EMIs Ensure the Safety of Client Money

“Your Money is in Safe Hands” — a claim made by both banks and payment institutions. However, the rules and requirements for safeguarding client funds differ between these institutions. Clients may not always be keen on delving into the details, but understanding the mechanisms at play is crucial. It empowers you to make informed financial […]

Business Account for Shipping and Wholesale Trade: A Detailed Guide to Selecting a Financial Institution

Dmitry Kuvshinov, Bilderlings executive officer Over the past few years, many wholesale companies, both European and international, have encountered difficulties in banking services — this problem is particularly acute for those working with the CIS regions. To continue developing normally, businesses seek a safe haven in European and UK financial institutions, but they continue to […]

Unlocking SEPA: A Non-EU Bank’s Guide to Smooth Payments

What Non-EU Banks Should Consider When Connecting to SEPA Payments There are many reasons why non-European financial institutions are interested in SEPA payments. The reasons vary, but the pitfalls are the same. Dmitry Kuvshinov, Executive Director and Head of the Sales and Marketing Department at Bilderlings, explains what to focus on when opening an account […]

How to save money for a business with a large number of small-sized transactions

There are many different types of businesses whose customers make frequent small-sum purchases, from online stores to high-risk gambling. Regardless of the type of business, payment problems remain the same, such as chargebacks or high fees. We will explain how to avoid these issues thanks to a modern alternative to card acquiring. First, let’s address […]

Which Payment Method Typically Charges The Highest Interest Rates?

Many people are in need of fast cash for big-ticket purchases or to bridge the gap between paychecks. This is where different payment methods such as personal loans or credit cards can come in handy. Most of these payment methods typically provide you with money up front that you then pay back in addition to […]

How to Open a Merchant Account

The new business you’ve been working so hard to get started is finally about to open. With the many finishing touches that require your attention, it’s hard to keep your focus on what’s most important. One thing you don’t want to forget is to open a merchant account to accept credit/debit cards and electronic payments. […]

Merchant Account Fees: Everything You Need to Know

When it comes to merchant accounts, the amount of information and terminology surrounding them can be overwhelming to even the most seasoned of business owners. We’ve put together this guide to merchant accounts and fees, so you can easily understand what you’re paying each month, and why these costs appear (or don’t) on your monthly […]

What Is A Merchant Account?

The One Account No Modern Business Can Live Without So you’ve finally created a product or service that everyone wants, and you’re ready to start your own business. You get an LLC, you build a website, maybe you even open up a physical “brick-and-mortar” store, and you realize you need to accept credit card payments […]

Multi-currency account in Bilderlings
Individual IBAN, 19 currencies, SEPA / SEPA Instant / SWIFT payments, attractive exchange rates, remote account opening in just one business day.

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