Today, when it comes to different types of payment algorithms, specialists generally mention two immediately: SMS (single message system) and DMS (dual message system). Briefly, in the case of SMS transactions the servicing bank and the emitting bank send each other authorization messages at the moment of financial transaction. Based on these messages, the transaction […]
Who would have thought that even the plastic bank cards you keep in your wallet would be on their way to becoming an anachronism. For example, Morgan Chase Bank has plans to replace the outdated technology of payments and to actively promote the cryptocurrency system. And you can already carry out e-commerce transactions anywhere in […]
More and more people – from casual account holders to serious entrepreneurs – are changing their attitude towards the traditional banking system and moving into the world of advanced financial technologies in the virtual space. Every year, traditional banking is losing ground, giving way to new financial technologies. Now not just independent agencies, but also […]
Technically, creating an online business is easy. You can build a full-fledged online store within a day or two, or even in a few hours. But! The idea is important. You have to understand how it can be implemented and, ideally, how to occupy your own niche. Bilderlings gives several examples of creating a successful […]
Fintech platform Bilderlings has begun cooperating with OFFSHORE IT, which now offers our current account to its customers. When entrepreneurs decide to go international with their business, many questions immediately arise – where to register their company, how to run a business in a given country, based on how suitable the business climate is for […]
It’s always a good idea to keep focused when making a payment because, after all, it’s your money. The volume of money transferred through the various internet systems is constantly increasing, but the number of errors that occur during these operations isn’t decreasing, in spite of all the warnings. Bilderlings has compiled a list of […]
Right now there are many payment companies on the European market offering customers a much more flexible and functional system compared to that of traditional banks. The world of fintech is developing ever more rapidly; the number of clients drawn to these companies is increasing every day. And it’s natural that each company tries to […]
You’ve decided to start an online business, but haven’t figured out yet what would be the best way to launch it in the virtual space? Of course, you need to start with your website and by opening a payment page. Bilderlings offers a payment page where the most popular CMS are integrated. You can open […]
Everyone knows how to open an account in a regular bank. At the present moment, however, and for a variety of reasons, more and more people are seeking to rely as little as possible on the familiar banking system, and turning, for example, to fintech companies, which, according to the forecasts of numerous analysts, are […]