Before building a socially responsible business, it is important to understand the motivation of the employees themselves: why it is important for them to help. In addition to working as a business analyst, Velta Stikute regularly participates in various charitable projects: she helps animals, the elderly, children in hospitals, and is also involved in ecological initiatives. We asked Velta to share why this is important to her.


There are several reasons.

The major reason is to make this world better, however, I am a reality-based person and realize that a perfect world won’t exist.

It is like a math problem: each of us has been born and grown up with different set-up data, as a result, some are luckier than others, and some are not in that group at all. Does it mean that the last ones are worse than the other ones, the answer is “No”.

I choose a deliberate path for helping and it is my civic position. I truly believe if I can help those who are in need-I will do this.

Often neediness puts us in cages and we are not in the position to ask for help directly, as a result, it becomes even heavier to bear the burdens alone, and I would like to emphasize the situation with animals: they do not have such an option even to ask for help. They just try to survive.

From my own experience, once I got through the darkest days of my life -a helping hand was lent to me. To this day I am endlessly, immeasurably, and completely grateful to those people and I can say that the hope that has been given to you at a particular moment, to an absolutely desperate person- it is a great power that drives you forward.

This power helps you to open your heart and believe in kindness, love, empathy, and humanity.

I sincerely believe that deeds done from a pure heart will help those who need it the most.

Additionally, it’s an opportunity to realize inherent in us by nature itself — love for this world and all living beings.

One of my biggest philosophical ideas associated with charity is this:

only by giving you can receive more in return. This can’t be measured in monetary terms. I’m talking about feelings and emotions. In these moments, I feel alive, as if I’m touching the universe and I know that good will always defeat evil.

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