The more deeply the virtual world becomes intertwined with the real one, the more sophisticated the methods of online fraudsters become. It would be foolish to doubt that this would affect the gaming industry as well. After all, it’s one of the largest sectors of the internet today, a place where huge sums of money […]
Who would have thought that even the plastic bank cards you keep in your wallet would be on their way to becoming an anachronism. For example, Morgan Chase Bank has plans to replace the outdated technology of payments and to actively promote the cryptocurrency system. And you can already carry out e-commerce transactions anywhere in […]
More and more people – from casual account holders to serious entrepreneurs – are changing their attitude towards the traditional banking system and moving into the world of advanced financial technologies in the virtual space. Every year, traditional banking is losing ground, giving way to new financial technologies. Now not just independent agencies, but also […]
For entrepreneurs, the issue of jurisdiction is one of the most important concerns. Many businessmen are still going over the list of offshore zones to potentially register their companies. The reason is clear: the absence of control by government structures, namely tax agencies. However, recently opposition to offshore companies has grown. For example, the European […]
Financial analysts have long been inclined to believe that tomorrow’s world of cash flow will be fundamentally different from everything that has come before it. At the same time, the classical banking structures until recently believed, and publically stated, that they had no real alternatives. But recently, at the International Financial Congress, the head of […]
Today Bilderlings is going to discuss this seemingly well-known and easy-to-understand aspect of running a business, the settlement account. Indeed, this is a mandatory working tool for any business and a marker of prestige for an individual entrepreneur. But few people consider that, precisely for these reasons, it is important to select your settlement account, […]
A startup is not just an idea – even when that idea verges on genius – and a team of like-minded people who believe in the success of their project. When it comes to putting the idea into practice, it is above all a business enterprise that functions in the legal and financial realm, and […]