Where to invest on the internet

A businessman who makes investments in the virtual world can become a successful entrepreneur in the real world. The first thing to know for a person who has decided to invest in an online business: the basic rules for investing in the virtual space and in real life largely coincide. For example, before investing, it […]

Investing in business: the case for the brave

Which projects are better to invest in, how to do it and where the risk is less. The issue of investing in business is extremely broad. It can be of interest both to beginners and already established entrepreneurs. However, we will focus on what is important for novice investors who are setting out to discover […]

Investing for beginners: where to start and how to keep going

It is hard to take the first step into the world of entrepreneurship, but it is necessary if you don’t want to work for hire, where you might have a decent, stable income, but you always work “for someone”. And this doesn’t suit everyone. The main thing is to overcome fear When talking about where […]

Investing in stocks: first steps

Investing in stocks for beginners – this is a topic that deserves special attention, as professionals who have long made money from investing in securities already know everything about the topic. On the one hand, it is believed that investing in stocks is not the best way for beginners, since with small amounts (say, less […]

The fundamental truths of financial sustainability in business

Bilderlings discusses how to keep and increase capital – and make your company stronger. An enterprise can be considered financially stable if it is protected from external negative influences, regardless of creditors; and the risk of bankruptcy is negligible. Such an enterprise’s income exceeds expenses, the company is free in its financial maneuvers, and funds […]

Financial risks in 2019: how not to lose everything

Last year, in a study of key financial risks, in which 2,415 experts from 86 countries participated, Allianz Risk Barometer placed “possible failures in large-scale production” in first place. This risk surpassed fires and other natural disasters. This makes sense, because ordinary people as well as global financial players are tied into the production sector. […]

The world is changing. Is SWIFT changing too?

SWIFT, which is the oldest international interbank system for transferring information and making payments, is going through not the best and not the worst of times, but, as the experts say, strange times. On the one hand, SWIFT is trying to evolve, on the other, competitors are becoming more and more well-known and capable, for […]

The Virtual Economy is Opening the Future

Even the bravest analysts are hesitant to offer predictions, because now, and without it being clear to specialists why, cryptocurrencies are suddenly increasing in price – Bitcoin is leading – and simultaneously traditional banks, which are uniting to replace SWIFT, and even popular social networks as well, are preparing to use blockchain technology in their […]

Multi-currency account in Bilderlings
Individual IBAN, 19 currencies, SEPA / SEPA Instant / SWIFT payments, attractive exchange rates, remote account opening in just one business day.

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