In January, Bilderlings customers will be able to use the Bilderlings Pay MasterСard. You can pre-order the payment card today.

Payment cards are the most convenient way to get paid and to cash out money at ATMs and bank branches around the world. Bilderlings will issue two types of cards: MasterCard Business cards for corporate clients and MasterCard Consumer cards for individuals.

Bilderlings Pay MasterCard Business

This is a payment card that is tied to your company account. You can give it to your employees to pay for travel or other expenses of the company.

Bilderlings Pay MasterСard

A payment card to pay for goods and services and to cash out money for personal needs.

What else is important to know about Bilderlings Pay MasterCard?

This is a contactless payment card with a simple and elegant modern design. Understandable fees, 0% commission for payments by the card and 2% commission for cash withdrawal (the minimum amount is €2.50).

How to pre-order?

If you want to receive Bilderlings Pay MasterCard in January, contact your personal manager. 

Multi-currency account in Bilderlings
Individual IBAN, 19 currencies, SEPA / SEPA Instant / SWIFT payments, attractive exchange rates, remote account opening in just one business day.

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