
Open a Term Deposit or Savings Account at a European bank through Bilder. Earn up to 2.25% per year.

Quick start ​

The speed of opening a deposit depends on the currency and amount, but in most cases your money appears on the deposit within one business day


Secure and reliable

Your deposit will be placed in a European partner bank BlueOr Bank. According to the laws of the European Union, any deposit is guaranteed by the state up to EUR 100,000.

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Annual interest rates up to 2.25%


Amount from 100 EUR


Maturity – from 3 to 24 months

Without borders

The service is available for residents of EU countries, as well as for citizens of the UK, EEA, OECD* (*exceptions – Korea, Turkey, Colombia), CIS,  and Ukraine, if you have a residence permit in the EU.


Questions & Answers

You can apply for a deposit in your Bilderlings personal panel – it is just two clicks and a few documents. Once your application is confirmed by the partner bank, the money is sent from your current account to your deposit account and starts to earn you income.

A deposit account in your name will be opened with one of our European ecosystem partner banks. But the procedure with the help of Bilderlings will be faster and easier than in the bank.

According to the laws of the European Union, any deposit is guaranteed by the state up to EUR 100,000, i.e. the payment of the deposit to the depositor is guaranteed by the European Union Directive 2014/49/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council on Deposit Guarantee Schemes.

It is important to save not only money, but also time. Client identification and deposit application procedures are faster, easier and more pleasant with the help of Bilderlings than directly at the bank. All processes happen online with us. Besides, you do not have to open a separate account with a new bank.

You can apply for a deposit in your Bilderlings personal panel – it’ s just two clicks and a few documents. If the deposit is in EUR and the amount is less than EUR 100,000 then your money will be on the deposit account during one working day. In other cases (if the amount is greater or the deposit is in another currency), you will need to have a video call with a client manager.

If you notify about it 40 days in advance, the money will be returned in full, but without the accrued interest. 

Start saving now

Opening an account has never been easier — everything is online and extremely convenient
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