The new business you’ve been working so hard to get started is finally about to open. With the many finishing touches that require your attention, it’s hard to keep your focus on what’s most important. One thing you don’t want to forget is to open a merchant account to accept credit/debit cards and electronic payments. […]
When it comes to merchant accounts, the amount of information and terminology surrounding them can be overwhelming to even the most seasoned of business owners. We’ve put together this guide to merchant accounts and fees, so you can easily understand what you’re paying each month, and why these costs appear (or don’t) on your monthly […]
The One Account No Modern Business Can Live Without So you’ve finally created a product or service that everyone wants, and you’re ready to start your own business. You get an LLC, you build a website, maybe you even open up a physical “brick-and-mortar” store, and you realize you need to accept credit card payments […]
MasterСard Bilderlings Business debit card for enterprises and MasterСard Bilderlings for individuals became available on 10 March, 2020. MasterСard Bilderlings and MasterСard Bilderlings Business cards allow you to manage money at any time of the day or night, to quickly and easily pay for goods and services anywhere in the world, to deposit and withdraw […]
If we were told before that one day it would be possible to order a take-out with just one click, we would not have believed it. But today this option is available to everyone, especially for business owners and operators. About 15% of online purchases are paid for with a card. Almost everyone has at […]
A businessman who makes investments in the virtual world can become a successful entrepreneur in the real world. The first thing to know for a person who has decided to invest in an online business: the basic rules for investing in the virtual space and in real life largely coincide. For example, before investing, it […]
Which projects are better to invest in, how to do it and where the risk is less. The issue of investing in business is extremely broad. It can be of interest both to beginners and already established entrepreneurs. However, we will focus on what is important for novice investors who are setting out to discover […]
A bulk payment service will be available at Bilderlings by the end of September. This will allow customers to make bulk payments in just a few minutes. What is it? Bulk payments give an opportunity to make a lot of payments to different recipients in a couple of clicks, without wasting time on manually entering […]
In January, Bilderlings customers will be able to use the Bilderlings Pay MasterСard. You can pre-order the payment card today. Payment cards are the most convenient way to get paid and to cash out money at ATMs and bank branches around the world. Bilderlings will issue two types of cards: MasterCard Business cards for corporate […]